ABDUCT:v.t. to carry off (a person) illegally by force or deception
Alien Abduction. All around the world, as sightings of UFOs shoot through the roof, more and more people are claiming to be abducted by ET lifeforms. Some class themselves as a 'contactee' since not all exeriences are necessarily negative, regardless, how many of these claims are accurate and what about those that are serious? Are they taken aboard craft of ET origin and examined/experimented on by Extraterrestrial beings? Or is there another explanation.
There are people out there who fake abduction claims, for whatever reason, its not difficult to create up a possible story, ask anyone how people get abducted ect, and most could give a basic account off the top of their heads, but maintaining the story through questioning over a long period is the difficult part. This is why abductee reports should never be accepted straight away, like everything in UFO research, its best to rule out all other possibilities first, or you can become blind to the real facts.
Whats going on? You decide. On this section you shall find text reports from around the world, from the unbelievable to the uncanny possibilities...
GLUFON - Thousands have seen the light
Encounter Phenomena defy 'set pattern'
Abduction Classifications
Tour of a UFO
Mass Abduction Event '92
Repeater Refuses Hypnosis
Ethical Implications
Abduction & The Greys
If you would like to submit an article on abduction, or even a personal experience, please send them to